Building B-Suite Leaders With C-Suite Impact.

More Impact, More Easily. 

Get the first chapter of Rebecca’s book, Impact: 10 Ways to Level Up Your Leadership

Hi, I’m Rebecca.

I’m known as Australia’s leading authority on mid-level leadership because I’m obsessed with building B-Suite Leaders with C-Suite Impact.

B-Suite leaders know how frustrating it is to be the meat in the sandwich, squashed between executive expectations and workforce demands.

Organisations know how frustrating it is when their B-Suite leaders don’t perform. It has serious implications for both culture and for performance.

Well what I do is mentor, facilitate and train leaders and their teams to have more impact, more easily.


B-Suite Leaders are the modern middle manager.

They are the glue that holds organisations together, translating strategy into action and creating high- performing workforces.

Yet the B-Suite is burning out, loosing confidence, and rethinking their careers.  

The result for organisations is a mid-level leadership cohort that lacks poise, productivity and promotability.

The result for those leaders is they feel overworked, overlooked and overwhelmed.

Evidence shows that B-Suite leaders have the hardest job of all. They are pivotal to:
  • managing the workload
  • ensuring day-to-day performance
  • translating strategy into action
  • implementing and sustaining change driving culture
But middle management is like being middle class, middle-aged or a middle child – it’s tough! The evidence is overwhelming that the disparaging ‘middle manager’ label is a completely – and dangerously – wrong attitude for companies to have. A high- performing middle manager – or a B-Suite Leader – is by far one of our most valuable leaders if we enable them.

Here's where we play

B-Suite Leaders with C-Suite Impact™:

Not all leaders want to be a C-Suite Executive, but they should all be enabled to operate like one. We help leaders with more impact: B-Suite leaders are more influential, more strategic and more productive.

PlayNice - Team Effectiveness:

We work with Teams who are experiencing outright conflict, avoidance or apathy, or are coming together to construct (or reconstruct) their vision, strategy or operating model. No matter where they are on that spectrum, PlayNice programs help teams to find focus, align, and plan a path.

IMPACT Training:

Our training programs are for leaders and their teams - to accelerate the ripple effect of high-impact B-Suite leadership. We focus on mastering three critical functions - controlling the pace of work, holding the space to enable great work, and making the case with influence.

Here’s how we do it

Control the PACE.

Learn to control the pace of work, prioritise, plan and protect boundaries.

Make the CASE.

Learn to engage and influence your team, your peers and to manage up.

Use the SPACE.

Learn perspective, develop strategic thinking skills and build your confidence.

Overwhelmingly supported in research by Deloitte, the DDI Global Leadership Forecast and McKinsey, BoldHR’s ongoing research shows that Managers and their Teams who achieve mastery in these competencies are proven to be more productive, more influential and more strategic – re-building confidence and trust in leadership along the way.

Here are some

Talk to me about...

Coaching & Mentoring

B-Suite leaders to challenge assumptions and give them the confidence and space to level up their impact.


For mid and senior-level teams facing a challenge in how they work – identifying quickly where the true problems lie and helping individuals and teams to come together to solve them.

Project/Program Advisory

Increase the effectiveness of HR products & programs across the Talent lifecycle for employers and their vendors.


For Leaders and teams looking for more impact, more easily.