Building your reputation? 5 things you need to know

Building your reputation 5 things you need to know

Mark Schaefer, who wrote the book “Known – the handbook for building & unleashing your personal brand in the digital age” says that there are five things that you need to know in order to build your reputation.

  1. it’s not about passion
  2. it is about purpose
  3. you don’t have to be an expert
  4. the right space or platform
  5. no overnight success

And I agree – whether you’re a start-up, a leader or Kim Kardashian – be purposeful, talk at the level of your audience, pick the right platform and then – persevere.

You’ll find – after months of consistent hard work – that you’re an overnight success!

If you’re building your reputation right now, what challenges are you facing?

  • Rethink Talent for Today
  • Level Up Leadership
  • People Change that works

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