Dream Big in 2024: Goal-Setting Strategies for a Remarkable Year

According to S+P, 2024 is going to be characterised by productivity, efficiency and – you guessed it – headcount reductions.

We know what this means to middle managers – more pressure, more burning out and more opting out.

Right now, Gartner estimates that:

  • 1 in 5 managers would prefer not being people managers, given a choice.
  • An average manager has 51% more responsibilities than they can effectively manage.
  • 59% of managers report spending a significant amount of time on “work to do work.”


This sucks!

They recommend that organisations rewire the work, and leaders rewire their habits.  

I can’t make your organisation rewire the work, but I can help leaders to rewire their habits.

And that’s what I am obsessing about right now.  Habits.


The big, bad B-Suite habits that I see all the time are:

  1. Saying yes, unconditionally, instead of negotiating expectations up front
  2. Being a hero and saving the situation single-handed, instead of teaching teams to save themselves
  3. Doing busy work instead of influencing work – anyone can do busy work, only leaders can do influencing work
  4. Going with the flow – instead of being deliberate about the outcomes you seek
  5. Expecting your work to speak for itself – and being disappointed when people don’t notice or take it for granted.


Because of this, in the B-Suite Leaders Community, Monday is always NudgeDay – the day when I provide an intentional cue so you can set your week up for greater success, control and satisfaction.  


Let’s rewire our leadership habits while organisations rewire the work.


Want some help with your goal-setting for 2024?  Why not do my free mini-course – The Art of Self Development.

My 2024 goal is to create the world’s first middle manager index – the B-Suite BenchmarksⓇ  

To do this, I need your help.  

If you’re a leader at any level, from emerging to CEO, please take 5 minutes to complete our mini Snapshot assessment and receive your personal report.  

Your anonymised data will provide insights into the concerns, maturity and aspirations of B-Suite Leaders globally, enabling us to provide organisations, leadership teams and individual leaders with valuable benchmarks that will reverse those Gartner stats!

I would love you to pass this request on to every other leader you know.


Join the Community here

Speaking of goals, last month I asked you to help us hit our goal of 300 members – which you exceeded by miles! We are now at 480 members and still growing fast. Thank you.
If you haven’t yet joined, here’s what you’re missing ……

  • Quarterly networking events where we focus on our shared aspirations and frustrations and what we can do about those – and have a bit of fun along the way.
  • Quarterly open workshops where we deep dive on topical concerns such as burnout, career transitions, influence or confidence.
  • Regular nudges to make sure you start each week at your best
  • A brainstrust of 480 like-minded mid level leaders committed to helping each other have more impact, more easily
  • Self-paced resources to help you control the pace of work, use the space to think and be more influential in all directions.


Rebecca is Australia’s pre-eminent advocate for B-suite leadership – the expert in developing hi-impact B-Suite leadership at both a team and individual level.

Speak to Rebecca about:

                        • Individual and group coaching
                        • Team effectiveness and training
                        • People & Culture Advisory


You can reach her on rebecca@boldhr.com


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Three little words

I’ve mentored exactly thirty B-Suite leaders this month. I like things to be tidy, so that number pleases me disproportionately (is that weird?). The leaders I