How to beat the post-holiday Blahs 😒

Only the second day back to work for me, and I’m definitely feeling the post-holiday blahs! Not post-holiday blue, just blah. It is WAY harder than I expected to be getting up earlier, going back to personal training, being more disciplined around the house and (even harder) disciplined in my brain – OMG, where did all my motivation go?! 😒 Blah! 😒

Never fear – I’ll be deploying post-holiday first-aid immediately.

Here are my favourite 5 remedies:

  1. Get into a routine again, even if its just sleep and wake times to start with
  2. Plan something holiday-like this weekend so I get my Friday feeling early
  3. Make short term goals – mine are daily until I’m back in my rhythm
  4. Take brain-breaks – stop every 90 mins to reset the brain and regain focus
  5. Eat the frog – I’ll do the hard stuff first, before fatigue makes me put it off!

>>What’s your favourite remedy to kick-start your brain and avoid the blahs?

If you’re looking to start doing business differently this year, here’s how I can help: –

  • Change Facilitator & Change Mindset Coach
  • HR Mentor & Thought Partner

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