Is a return to work a ‘return to worth’?

Is a return to work a ‘return to worth’?

Is a return to work a ‘return to worth’? I recently overheard a conversation between a return to work mum and her recruiter, clearly discussing the prospect of an offer for an executive position. The recruiter was trying to set up her expectations – which, according to him, was to accept a salary below the point on which she had left the workforce three years ago.

Apart from needing a quick lesson in the cost of living index (which would mean an increase of around 10-13% over 3yrs), it really disappointed me that anyone in the talent industry could seriously counsel someone that because they have taken a career break they are therefore less valuable! Apart from the fact that people at home use their problem solving, relationships skills and the latest technology just as much as those at work, they often return to work with higher EQ, more collaborative & inherently more agile than they left with – making them an all-round better operator.

I was pleased to hear this particular returntowork mum illustrate exactly how much she had forgotten about her executive influencing skills. Absolutely zero.

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