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I earned my stripes leading large teams in complex organisations and built quite a reputation for ‘doing business differently’.

Today, I work with Australia’s leading companies guiding leaders and their teams to identify and adopt tiny tweaks that make big differences.

To put it simply, I help leaders and their teams work.

My goal is to help evolve how leaders think, take action and relate to others during these turbulent times – how to do business differently if you like.

I can help you and your team:

  • Level Up your Leadership:  I help leaders have more impact: be more influential, more strategic and more productive.
  • Rethink Talent for Today: through consulting and mentoring, I work with leadership and project teams to rethink their approach to Talent.
  • People Change that Works: a proven leader in this space, my team and I work closely with HR leaders to design, develop and deliver organisational change strategies that engage, empower – and stick.

How do I help?

  • Coaching & Mentoring: B-Suite leaders to challenge assumptions and give them the confidence and space to level up their impact.
  • Facilitation: for mid and senior-level teams facing a challenge in how they work – identifying quickly where the true problems lie and helping individuals and teams to come together to solve them.
  • Project/Program Advisory:  increase the effectiveness of HR products & programs across the Talent lifecycle for employers and their vendors.

As a mentor and facilitator, I’m a bit playful, a bit challenging, very thoughtful and supportive.  I know what assumptions we need to tackle to get a different outcome, and I know that you don’t need to throw the past away to achieve a great future.

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