WORKSHOP - Leading in Uncertainty
"She is an engaging and stimulating presenter and facilitator, and establishes strong and effective working relationships with everyone."
Head of HR, RMIT Online
Uncertainty and ambiguity are the hallmarks of modern leadership. What used to be predictable, routine, well defined and stable is now the opposite – and we all have different reactions which impact our equilibrium, confidence and impact.
It can feel like a rollercoaster ride – but one that never stops.
As leaders, we’re expected to handle the rollercoaster, even to steer it somehow. We are looked to for confident decision making and to provide clarity – even when we have little clarity ourselves.
So how do we do this?
In this workshop we will cover:
- How to identify the individual disruption scenarios affecting you and your teams
- Diagnose which of these scenarios are your strengths, and which derail you
- Learn the primary tactics that will help you provide clarity, prioritise work and make decisions
How it works:
- A half day workshop with 10-30 participants
- At your offices or entirely online
- $500pp+gst, including:
- Leading in Uncertainty masterclass valued at $99pp
- Individual workbooks and resources
- Access to Rebecca for questions after the workshop0