The Third Way

The Third Way

Next year is going to be a brand new way of working for all of us, and for B-Suite leaders this will bring a whole new challenge to bear, because one size will definitely not fit all.  It’s not like way 1 – ‘office work’, and it’s not like way 2 – ‘work from home’.  […]

2022 Forecast

2022 Forecast

This month, I’ve been hovering over my crystal ball with increasing frustration, and I know you have too.  I’ve been looking for insight, and all I’m finding is contradictory and often lightweight advice on what 2022 will bring. Then it dawned on me that I was looking too closely at the problem and I needed […]

Three little words

Three little words

I’ve mentored exactly thirty B-Suite leaders this month. I like things to be tidy, so that number pleases me disproportionately (is that weird?). The leaders I work with are weirdly in sync with each other too – like they’re being tidy to make it easier for me to spot the patterns. And there are always patterns. If one […]