Self-reflecting on Self-sabotage

Self-reflecting on Self-sabotage

Did I tell you I am a master of self-sabotage? Well it’s true, I am.

You know what I mean – it’s when you hit your goal weight and spend the next week guzzling pizza, pinot and maltesers? I’m world-class at it, and did it again in June!

I had the most amazing May – we launched our new community,, a new self-paced learning program, Level up 2.0, two B-Suite benchmarks (the free SNAPSHOT and comprehensive INSIGHT) and walked for 12.5hrs through 45kms of deep sand……

Did I retire at the top of my game and continue with my daily yoga, sober and high-protein regime? NO OF COURSE NOT! I spent a week ordering pizza, pinot and maltesers. Put on 5kgs, stiffened up like an old lady, started sleeping poorly and started feeling stressed again for the first time in months.




Why is this happening? I don’t suffer the avoidance issues common in traditional self-sabotage – in fact, I suspect this is the extreme opposite – here’s my theory.

Like many leaders, I’m goal-oriented. I love to chase the unattainable and climb steep hills just to get to the top. But, and it’s a big but, I’m not motivated to get there for the view – I’m there for the climb. I love it – it’s addictive. Progress works that way.

I realise, now that I have pulled off my biggest goals in my career to date, that I have rarely had much of a plan for what to do once the goal is attained, especially not from an energy-management perspective.

What does a runner do after they smash through the finish line? How do they manage the vortex of energy and purpose that sucks you in instantly afterwards?

Never fear, I’m going to work this out. I shall take my maltesers, pinot and pizza up the hill and ruminate.

PS, if I am alone in this very strange behaviour, I want you to swear you will NEVER tell me, just smile and go along with it ok?


Rebecca is Australia’s pre-eminent advocate for B-suite leadership – the expert in developing hi-impact B-Suite leadership at both a team and individual level.

Speak to Rebecca about:

                        • Individual and group coaching
                        • Team effectiveness and training
                        • People & Culture Advisory


You can reach her on

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