The surprising truth about levelling up your career

When I was running the Talent Acquisition Team at Australia Post, I was in pretty much in charge of HOW the work got done. I thought this was great – top of my game – but I was still frustrated.

As I expanded my remit to include Careers, Onboarding, People Change and People Experience I felt a step change – I levelled up, became more satisfied, more influential and more confident – based on one key thing.

I had shifted – I was now in charge of WHAT work got done rather than just HOW the work got done – and that allowed me to truly elevate. But bridging that gap between the two was really hard work; that shift was not a fun time!

It’s a surprising truth for many other Talent Leaders who want to level up their confidence, influence, reputation, and career.

If you’re looking to level up your capability as a Talent or HR Leader, then consider joining my mentoring program, Level Up.


APRIL: Enquiries open now

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If you’re looking to start doing business differently this year, here’s how I can help:

  • Change Facilitator 
  • Executive Coach-
  • HR Mentor & Thought Partner

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