3 ways to tackle feeling overwhelmed right now

3 ways to tackle feeling overwhelmed right now

Many of us are feeling uncertain, unfocused and unproductive at the moment.

My resilience was tested last week too.

Not by the ongoing changes to the rules, not by the rapidly-dwindling pipeline, not by homeschooling – but by my uncertainty about how best to be of value and service to those around me right now.

So I took these simple steps to regain my focus and sense of control: shrank my sphere of control to a smaller version of its former self so I could stop worrying about things I can’t affect, and feel more in control of the things that I can.

  1. shrank my sphere of control to a smaller version of its former self so I could stop worrying about things I can’t affect, and feel more in control of the things that I can.
  2. use my new-found headspace to ask how I can help, and by being helpful, reinforce my sense of self.
  3. cut down my social media; the positive impact of limiting myself to 3hrs per day has been remarkable.

Has this solved the crisis? Nope.

But I feel better already.

  • leadership
  • management
  • human resoruces

Talk to me about Talent project mentoring, Leadership coaching, and remote Workshop facilitation.

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