4 steps to building a team that can think outside the box

I’ve been reading Rebel Ideas by Matthew Syed this week, and I’m enjoying his commentary on the deliberate construct of teams to thrive in a complex world.

“The growth of the future will be catalyzed by those who can transcend the categories we impose on on the world”

In a nutshell, this means “think outside the box”.

And he gives us a 4-step approach to building the teams that are most likely to do that:

  1. Demographically diverse – gender, race, age etc – this is the one we are all most familiar with.
  2. Cognitively diverse – differing thinking styles and disciplines – such as mixing engineers with artists.
  3. Individually adaptable – many great innovators come from multi-cultural/disciplinary backgrounds, creating an aptitude for adaptability and alternating perspective.
  4. Psychologically safe – so that different opinions can be raised without compromise.

Very much worth a read if building high performing teams in complex environments keeps you up at night.

What books are you reading that are noteworthy?

PS: Here are 4 ways that I can help you start doing business differently:

  • Mentor Human Resources leaders
  • Leadership confidence Coach
  • Facilitate Change conversations
  • Advise HR suppliers

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You have the power to empower yourself

There are times when ‘should’ rules our leadership life. When nothing or no-one is doing what they should and we start to feel aggrieved, frustrated