An uplifting example of leadership under pressure

An uplifting example of leadership under pressure

Leadership is tougher than ever right now, and making decisions can feel impossible – the rules are changing all time.

Last week I witnessed a heated debate between two execs of a sports club – about whether they continue training or not.

‘Bob’ wanted to stay open until told otherwise by the peak body of the sport. ‘Dan’ suggested that the club should get ahead of the curve and close. ‘Bob’ won.

Mere hours later, the sports peak body made the call to cancel all training and events across Victoria. The two leaders simply got on with it; worked like a team – without an ‘I told you so’.

What did I learn?

  • There are leaders who lead from the front, and those who lead by following fast. Neither is wrong.
  • Leaders can respect each other’s decision-making styles and avoid blame.
  • Leadership will ask us to be both uncomfortable and unpopular at times.

If you’re a leader, chances are you’re doing better than you realise. Keep going!

  • management
  • human resources
  • leadership

PS if you need some support, talk to me about:

  • Leadership Coaching & Mentoring
  • Virtual Workshop Facilitation

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