How to lead in today’s VUCA world of work

How to lead in today’s VUCA world of work

How to lead in today’s VUCA world of work

I recently read a great 6-part series by the Chief Executive Magazine on the subject of leading in Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous times.

VUCA leadership used to be the domain of the armed forces, who worked out a long time ago that they needed to empower their frontline to make the right decisions, without having to constantly defer to the chain of command (as they often didn’t have access to it, and it wasn’t fast enough).

Mike Fucci, the chairman of Deloitte, describes today’s workplace as a place where ‘everything is a what-if scenario’; so now business leaders are adopting similar tactics to empower their teams to be more nimble and agile.

He and four other CEOs shared their views on the 5 tactics for building businesses that can handle the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous conditions of today’s world of work.

1) Shaping the Culture around Mission and Values
2) Leveraging Technology
3) Aligning Organizational Structures
4) Establishing a Learning Organization
5) Leader Development

Can You Do VUCA? 5 Key Strategies for Success

YOUR THOUGHTS? What do you think are the top tips for leaders in today’s world?

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