How to move the War for Talent from win/lose – to win/win/win.

Move the war for talent to Win-Win-Win

There are many reason employers are struggling to ‘win the War for Talent’, and the inability to offer a powerful career path, personal growth and diverse experiences are a frequent culprit for firms who: • can only offer limited options for career growth or exposure to new experiences (such as a small business or a […]

What I’ve learned in 100 days; jumping from major corporate to self-employment.

jumping from major corporate to self-employment

Today, I’m celebrating 100 days of working for myself – ironically on the same day that I would otherwise have been celebrating 7 years with Australia Post. So what am I up to? I’m obsessed with modernising traditional approaches to talent, especially now that the world of work has changed. What used to work doesn’t seem […]