5 Tips to stop feeling overwhelmed

5 Tips to stop feeling overwhelmed Ever felt like you can’t see the wood for the trees? Ask any leader today and they’ll tell you they’ve been overwhelmed. It might be workload, complexity, ambiguity, changeability, conflicting demands, fear of the unknown – or because we’re under the weather! The effect can be paralysing, demoralising and […]
3 ways to reduce friction in your team

3 ways to reduce friction in your team Our work-life is like a fast-moving sports game these days – we’re constantly adjusting, swerving, and switching to stay competitive. Like all sports teams, there are moments of friction where things feel sticky, lumpy – just plain wrong. The key reasons for these frictionful moments are usually […]
What will move the dial on Talent in 2020?

What will move the dial on Talent in 2020? Mercer’s 2019 Talent Trends study shows that 97% of executives expect to see increased competition for talent over the next 12 months and 52% already see the length of time it takes to find and hire new talent as their biggest people-related challenge. As a result, […]
Collaboration – avoiding a no or getting a yes?

Collaboration – avoiding a no or getting a yes? Be more collaborative. We’ve heard it before. But how do you generate true collaboration? • A new structure? • A new #collaboration platform? • More streamlined processes? All of the above help, yet in many organisations that I work with, I observe workforces getting work done […]
Leadership – a crisis of confidence?

Leadership – a crisis of confidence? One of my clients was tired last week. When I asked him why he said: “Work used to feel like intense sprints punctuated by rest periods. Now it feels like a marathon. At sprint pace. And by the way – I think they moved the finish line. In fact, […]
Tension and conflict is at the heart of teamwork

Tension and conflict isn’t the antithesis of teamwork. It’s the purpose of it. I firmly believe that a level of healthy tension is central for business problem solving, innovation and collaboration and critical to outperformance. I’m sure that’s why diverse groups of talent create such incredible outcomes. But the right kind of tension is all-important […]
Taking a fresh perspective on developing strategy

Look out Google, here we come! Fantastic to be able to inspire some competitive spirit in a recent workshop; and thanks for setting the bar so high, Google! As a facilitator, it is an absolute thrill to see organisations allow themselves to shed old models of strategy, leadership or talent mgt and try something new. […]
Asking about previous salary – ok or not ok?

Employers often ask about current salary as part of their negotiations, and it strikes me as pretty much the only time where this happens in a business deal. We don’t typically ask a plumber or accountant what their last client paid, do we? Yet when we hire a plumber or accountant, pretty much the rest […]
Who Else Wants To Know The Mystery Behind BUSINESS CASES?

Who Else Wants To Know The Mystery Behind BUSINESS CASES? If you’re visiting the hashtag#ATC2019 this June 19th/20th, you KNOW you’re going to leave inspired. Well, make sure you can win the budget that goes along with that! Come and visit Workshop 1 on Day 2; by that point, you’ll have the inspiration, and I’ll […]
HR Policies do they reflect what is actually happening?

What’s the connection between HR, Heroes, and Zombies? A friend was telling me a story about his son. Their school was hosting a fund-raiser – ‘come as your favorite super-hero’ day. He wanted to dress up as his hero – a zombie. The boy asked the teacher if it was ok Teacher said no. Thing […]