Are you Leading ‘Through’ Change still?

Are you Leading ‘Through’ Change still?

Are you Leading ‘Through’ Change still? The current thinking around Change Management focuses on understanding why the change is happening and how things will be better once we adopt it. There is still this concept of ‘getting through’ change. This works well for change that is finite – where the pain of the transition will […]

3 Mistakes I Made Before Finding My Leadership Style Leadership is not always easy. It took me a while to be a leader I could be proud of – and I made plenty of mistakes along the way! Here are some of my worst leadership moments; I’d love to hear yours.

How to lead in today’s VUCA world of work

How to lead in today’s VUCA world of work

How to lead in today’s VUCA world of work I recently read a great 6-part series by the Chief Executive Magazine on the subject of leading in Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous times. VUCA leadership used to be the domain of the armed forces, who worked out a long time ago that they needed to […]