To pool or not to pool?

Talent Pools - to pool or not too pool

Talent Pools – to pool or not too pool

I’ve recently had two debates on the topic of talent pools. One was a company that fervently believed in talent pools and had over 25,000 people in their pool, yet were struggling to fill their roles fast enough. The other was a company that was fervently against the concept, believing that they are a mystical silver bullet.

The concept of talent pools was created as a counterfoil for both hard to fill and fast to fill roles and are considered a pretty core tool for proactive recruiting solutions. I used them when I was a headhunter in capital markets in London – albeit before technology it was just ‘the black book’ (showing my age, I know!)

But today we seem to have talent pools for everything from contact centres to CEOs and everything in between.

So what is the definition of a talent pool?
• What’s the difference between a pool and a community?
• Which job families are pools appropriate for and which ones are not?
• What size should a pool be and how do you manage them?
• When they fail, why is that?

Where do you sit on this?

What are the pros and cons of talent pooling today?

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Talent Pools - to pool or not too pool

To pool or not to pool?

Talent Pools – to pool or not too pool I’ve recently had two debates on the topic of talent pools. One was a company that

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Recruitment has changed – 3 things to sustain success.

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19.14″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] Recruitment has changed sustain success Recruitment has changed – 3 things to think

There’s no such thing as a diplomatic hand grenade.

There’s no such thing as a diplomatic hand grenade.

Go ahead, avoid those difficult conversations.

Wait, what did you say? How can you avoid difficult conversations and still be productive? What rubbish!

But it’s what you want to do – admit it.

Difficult conversations are SO against our nature, that right now more than 50% of your workforce is avoiding having one, and 11% will even quit their job – yes actually quit – in order to avoid one.

We spend $$$ training our people to have difficult conversations. We should be teaching them to avoid conversations getting difficult in the first place.