What happens when you make this one little change to your comms

What happens when you make this one little change to your comms

Like all of us, I’m still stuck in Corona-mania. I recently discovered that to find out what was really going on in Wuhan, people had been turning to Tinder. It made me recall 9/11 when people were watching citizen reportage via Youtube and Facebook before watching the News.

Then I listened to the HR priorities 2020 by Gartner, and was captured by their insight that top-down comms actually lowers engagement and hastens change fatigue!

It strikes me that in times like these that maybe top-down comms is not always the answer. Side-on comms is needed too – because top-down has to be generic, when what people want is specifics.

So we need to tool up our middle managers to help translate top-down and generic communications into personalised and specific conversations.

We can enhance engagement and stave off change fatigue with one little tweak.

  • leadership
  • management
  • Human resources

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