You have the power to empower yourself

You have the power to empower yourself

There are times when ‘should’ rules our leadership life. When nothing or no-one is doing what they should and we start to feel aggrieved, frustrated or resentful. You know those moments:

  • This process should work
  • My leaders should notice
  • My team should be more accountable.


These are frustrating moments when we are resistant to the hard truth – yes they should, but no they probably won’t. And there’s no amount of ‘should’g’ that will change that.

And then there are times when ‘will’ rules our leadership life.

  • This will work
  • My leaders will notice
  • My team will be more accountable.


These are empowered moments – and they often don’t happen until we give up on ‘should’.

Middle managers expect things to happen because they should. They trust in process, behaviours and standards because they have often designed them, or role model them. Then when they are let down they find themselves understandably frustrated. But this adherence to what should happen is a fast-track to disappointment.

A B-Suite leader with C-Suite Impact has a healthy cynicism about the power of ‘should’ (Top Tip – should has zero power).

Instead they adopt the high-impact ‘will’ approach.

Try this with anything that is important to you.

“It will happen if……”

  • I set expectations up front
  • I have a plan B
  • I nip issues in the bud before they have a chance to derail.


A ‘will’ attitude is a fast-track to empowerment and performance. A ‘should’ attitude is a fast-track to disempowerment and disengagement.

Try it. If things do happen because they ‘should’, you’ll be delightfully surprised. And if things don’t happen, you ‘will’ make them happen anyway.

You can’t lose with this experiment.


Rebecca is Australia’s pre-eminent advocate for B-suite leadership – the expert in developing hi-impact B-Suite leadership at both a team and individual level.

Speak to Rebecca about:

                        • Individual and group coaching
                        • Team effectiveness and training
                        • People & Culture Advisory


You can reach her on [email protected]

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