Best practice is old practice

Best practice is old practice

Is best practice now old practice?

The reason HR is being so successful right now is that we have made a significant shift.

One of these key shifts is from best practitioner to best problem solver.

I recently ran a series of workshops with a range of HR practitioners from different backgrounds and businesses, and one thing that struck me is that many HR leaders are still focused on best practice, but they are increasingly uncertain about what problems they are applying that practice to.

The second thing that struck me was that once we’d identified and aligned on the right problem, the right ‘practice’ fell into place without a hitch.

The pace of change and ambiguity is such that best practice is in danger of becoming old practice. Best problems solvers will win the day.

>>What are you doing to identify the right problems for HR to solve?

  • Rethink Talent for Today
  • Level Up Leadership
  • People Change that works

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