The Third Way

The Third Way

Next year is going to be a brand new way of working for all of us, and for B-Suite leaders this will bring a whole new challenge to bear, because one size will definitely not fit all.  It’s not like way 1 – ‘office work’, and it’s not like way 2 – ‘work from home’.  […]

2022 Forecast

2022 Forecast

This month, I’ve been hovering over my crystal ball with increasing frustration, and I know you have too.  I’ve been looking for insight, and all I’m finding is contradictory and often lightweight advice on what 2022 will bring. Then it dawned on me that I was looking too closely at the problem and I needed […]

Three little words

Three little words

I’ve mentored exactly thirty B-Suite leaders this month. I like things to be tidy, so that number pleases me disproportionately (is that weird?). The leaders I work with are weirdly in sync with each other too – like they’re being tidy to make it easier for me to spot the patterns. And there are always patterns. If one […]

Peter and the workload Wolf

Peter and the workload Wolf

I think we all know the story of Peter, the boy who cried wolf. He did it so many times that the townsfolk stopped listening, and when the wolf really did turn up they didn’t believe him and his sheep were all eaten up. In our story, the townspeople are the Executive, the sheep are […]

A most ingenious paradox

A most ingenious paradox

I was watching Pirates of Penzance recently (I’m in lockdown after all) and this paradoxical little ditty caught my eye. You know the one – the paradox of a leap-year baby being both 5 and 25 years old at the same time? Kevin Kline does a marvellous job of exploring what a brain-strain that is, […]

Why patience is – still – a virtue

When I help B-Suite leaders to increase their influence, we focus on influencing in four directions – up, down, out and across. Up is your boss and your executive Down is your team, their engagement, alignment and motivation Out is your external audience and your leadership brand Across is your peers and stakeholders Influencing your […]

Our need to be right is wrong, right?

Our need to be right is wrong, right

We humans are weird. We are programmed to derail ourselves and yet we still succeed.  Mel Schwarz, who fascinatingly links quantum physics to conflict and change, tells us that addressing our belief systems is how we open up to change. I strongly agree. In my work with teams experiencing friction, conflict or avoidance, three belief systems come up […]

The perplexing power of power

The perplexing power of power

I’ve been thinking a lot about power recently. Not in a megalomaniacal, mwah ha ha kind of way but in a how does the mere concept of power affect our ability to lead from the middle kind of way. It started in a conversation about confidence in a recent group coaching session, and the way […]

Movers and quitters

Movers and quitters

One of the things that never fails to surprise and disappoint me is when I hear that it’s easier to find a job elsewhere than to get one internally.  Right now, the job market has roared past 2019 levels.  Candidate mobility is also peaking.  If you don’t have plans to give your restless Talent an […]

Welcome to the B-Suite

Welcome to the B-Suite

“Not all leaders want to become a C-Suite executive, but they should all be enabled to operate like one.” All leaders are too busy – and they are getting busier. All leaders yearn for more space to think but rarely get it. All leaders wish it were easier to get sh*t done, but instead, it’s […]