Don’t worry, I’ve got a chainsaw

Now, Australia has been bashed about by some pretty hairy weather recently.

  • Uncommonly cold in some states and uncommonly hot in others.
  • Drought in one area and floods in others.
  • Snow on the beaches but no snow on the ski-fields.
  • Cyclone-force winds in typically temperate states.


And the economy is just as weird as the weather.  Whether in government, banking, retail or technology, all the senior executives I know are calling out this year as one of their toughest ever.  Most of us can’t actually make sense of what’s going on.  Bit like the weather.  

Hairy conditions.  

And it’s making people scared, stressed, and generally behave badly as we struggle to make sense, make a plan, make it work.  So of course this is impacting BSuite leaders more than most – as they sit in the middle of it, like a weather reporter – balancing the truth with not panicking people.  Not easy.

So back to the weather.  

A truly lovely friend of mine (let’s call him Mickey) put out a note on Facebook to simply say good luck with the storm, and he has the tools and will help you if you need it.  A chainsaw, tarp and wood enough to secure you till more help comes.  

A friend like that gives you reassurance that you won’t face the gale alone; and when it blows over (which it always does), we’ll mend it.  

It would be good to have a friend like that at work too.

Because the human brain can’t really tell the difference between the fear we feel when we are scared of the weather and the fear we feel when we are scared of work.  

I know lots of people are currently scared about finding a job, losing a job, losing your team, or losing your way.  

What troubles me is that many of us are listening to those fears alone at night instead of making a plan with a friend like Mike.

It’s why conferences are so loved.  I spoke at two this month and was really struck with how important it is to feel like you’re in it together – even if it’s just for a day, or even a session.  

It’s why the BSuite community provides such support to our members – not because we have all the answers, but because we have all the tools – and we’re willing to help each other.

Leadership is lonely.  We all need a friend like Mike. 

And possibly a chainsaw.


Rebecca is Australia’s pre-eminent advocate for B-suite leadership – the expert in developing hi-impact B-Suite leadership at both a team and individual level.

Speak to Rebecca about:

                        • Individual and group coaching
                        • Team effectiveness and training
                        • People & Culture Advisory


You can reach her on [email protected]

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