Recruitment has changed – 3 things to sustain success.

Recruitment has changed - 3 things to sustain success

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Recruitment has changed sustain success

Recruitment has changed – 3 things to think about to sustain success.

According to IBISWorld, the Australian recruitment industry is worth $24 Billion in temp and perm revenue, and it’s showing record growth right now.

In 20 years, I’ve not seen:
• So many in-house recruiters returning to agency careers
• So much change in in-house recruiting
• Such record agency profits

But the relationship between corporate recruiters and agency recruiters continues to hover somewhere between combative and uneasy. This impacts the experience of candidates and hiring managers, and frankly isn’t good for the Talent Industry’s brand.

We are, after all, one eco-system.

Market forces and expectations have changed, and this requires a mindset shift for leaders and their teams:
• Be more strategic about the value of different supply models
• Build greater understanding of end-user needs
• Make sure we are thinking about value well into the future; not just today

I’ll be speaking more on this topic all around Australia this year, at both short & punchy masterclasses and strategy workshops, thanks to the Recruitment Industry peak bodies of APSCO & RCSA – the schedule is in the comments below if you’re interested.


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