Building your reputation? 5 things you need to know

Mark Schaefer, who wrote the book “Known – the handbook for building & unleashing your personal brand in the digital age” says that there are five things that you need to know in order to build your reputation. it’s not about passion it is about purpose you don’t have to be an expert the right […]
Are you leaving your reputation to chance?

Before lockdown, I was having lunch with a client of mine who let me into a secret. He loathes self-promotion and wishes his work would speak for itself. However, he still prioritises reputation-raising. “I drag myself to do it despite my busy schedule” he told me. Why? Because it will say more about his team, […]
Surprisingly simple ways to build your presence on line

Working from home is actually a golden opportunity for developing your leadership reputation, despite what many people think. And it’s a pretty important time to be doing that. Even if you’re secure in your role, there’s a premium on a leader’s reputation, as it promotes your business and your team and …. yeah … these […]