We need to re-wire
According to S+P, 2024 is going to be characterised by productivity, efficiency and – you guessed it – headcount reductions. Right now, Gartner estimates that: 1 in 5 managers would prefer not being people managers, given a choice. An average manager has 51% more responsibilities than they can effectively manage. 59% of managers report spending […]
You think I’m confident don’t you?
I was on a walk with my mentor and this happened…. Her: How have you been for the last 6 months, what’s been happening? Me: ‘This year we…. Replatformed the whole of BoldHR® – but fell behind on revenue as a result Launched a new online community with almost 200 members in under 4 months – […]
It’s our birthday!
This month BoldHR® turns 5 years old – and I turn 50! Can you believe it – the last 5 years have gone by in a flash and I reckon the next 5 are going to be even better. So now that I’m old and wise (I’d like to think more latter and less former…. […]
Stop and Reset
SUMMARY: How to control the pace of work before it controls you Just recently, I’ve been introducing a weekly nudge to the B-Suite Community to help us all set our week off on the right foot. Last week’s nudge was this: “This week, try to emphasize to your team that maximum effort doesn’t always equate […]
Self-reflecting on Self-sabotage
Did I tell you I am a master of self-sabotage? Well it’s true, I am. You know what I mean – it’s when you hit your goal weight and spend the next week guzzling pizza, pinot and maltesers? I’m world-class at it, and did it again in June! I had the most amazing May – […]
You have the power to empower yourself
There are times when ‘should’ rules our leadership life. When nothing or no-one is doing what they should and we start to feel aggrieved, frustrated or resentful. You know those moments: This process should work My leaders should notice My team should be more accountable. These are frustrating moments when we are resistant to […]
Hang on – where the hell did March go?
I have so much to do and April – pah! it’s not even a whole month! You can easily fall into the ‘I have a month to do…..’ and then realise in April you actually only have 2 full working weeks to play with. Anxiety-making! So I was thinking about April (not enough time) and […]
Sometimes doing nothing is doing something
I was fortunate to go away for the 6 weeks of school holidays. It was a glorious mash-up of all our covid-cancelled holidays from 2022 and 2021; and judging by the amount of people en route at the same time, we were not alone in making up for lost travel opportunity. I was very determined […]
What’s the connection between Leadership and Metaphysics?
We’ve all heard the philosophical question – If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no-one there to see it, does it make a sound?
There is a widening gap between workforce, leadership and HR. Have you noticed?
Deloitte tells us that Executive Leaders routinely underestimate how much their people are struggling by almost 50%.