Just do this 1 thing and avoid becoming a statistic
As a leader, everything you do is visible, watched and judged. Yet so many of us go about our daily work with much thought of our reputation. My client had put in very little thought, and less effort, into crafting his reputation. He believed his work should speak for itself He hated ‘tacky’ self-promotion He […]
The surprising truth about levelling up your career
When I was running the Talent Acquisition Team at Australia Post, I was in pretty much in charge of HOW the work got done. I thought this was great – top of my game – but I was still frustrated. As I expanded my remit to include Careers, Onboarding, People Change and People Experience I […]
One thing most leaders fail to do
Achieving a level of mastery over what we do is core to our confidence as leaders. Josh Kayman says it takes 20hrs of practice to be ‘pretty good’ – Malcolm Gladwell says it takes 10,000hrs of practice to be ‘expert’. They both agree that practice is key to mastering a craft. And yet….as leaders, we’re […]
How to make it easier for people to do business with you
David Rock says there are 5 buttons we can press on humans that result in derailing, disruptive behaviour. We literally fight, flee or freeze – none of them particularly useful when collaborating! The buttons are: Status Certainty Autonomy Relationships Fairness For many years I could be a bit tricky to work with – people assumed […]
Join me at the world’s leading festival for business and creativity!
I’m really excited to be MC’g at Pausefest in Feb this year – the world’s leading festival for business and creativity. Pause Fest is an independent, industry-driven movement with a mission to bring diverse intelligence together to fuel the next generation forward – described as ‘Australia’s SXSW’, ‘Octoberfest for Business’ and ‘Woodstock for digital natives’. In 2019, they welcomed […]
I have to lead like a parent because my people act like children.
If your people are acting like children, then they’ve likely been made to feel like children by you. – Jeff Nischwitz When I first started working with many of my clients, their mindest was firmly in ‘our people need looking after’ mode, which is lovely, but misguided. These are professionals with families, mortgages and a […]
How to beat the post-holiday Blahs 😒
Only the second day back to work for me, and I’m definitely feeling the post-holiday blahs! Not post-holiday blue, just blah. It is WAY harder than I expected to be getting up earlier, going back to personal training, being more disciplined around the house and (even harder) disciplined in my brain – OMG, where did […]
12 assumptions to challenge for 2020
Change has an end date. Not any more. Change has changed. It makes people anxious if they know organisational change is coming, so keep it secret. They already know. They’re already anxious. And no-one likes surprises. Carrot and stick change strategies work. For horses perhaps. 10yrs and a Degree is essential. With the exception of […]
Be an expert on the problem, not the solution
In the space of one day I was coaching both the CEO of a start-up and the HR Manager of an ASX listed company. And despite the enormous differences in their worlds, we were having the same conversation. He was struggling to sell his product to corporate executives. She was struggling to influence her exec […]
3 stages of influence
I was talking to a well-known Talent Tech founder today about why he is such a successful salesperson, and it made us reflect on the changing nature of sales – and how it’s intrinsically linked to influencing and collaborating. The nature of influence has changed: Tell – using authority and expertise Sell – persuade others […]