Confidence – the foundation of leadership

According to Francisco Dao, without confidence, no-one will follow you. I’m inclined to agree. So what knocks our confidence? What happens to change our state from feeling good to not so good? Changed environment – could be a new company, a new project or a new colleague that knocks our equilibrium. Low resilience – a […]

4 steps to building a team that can think outside the box

I’ve been reading Rebel Ideas by Matthew Syed this week, and I’m enjoying his commentary on the deliberate construct of teams to thrive in a complex world. “The growth of the future will be catalyzed by those who can transcend the categories we impose on on the world” In a nutshell, this means “think outside […]

Fear, Pain and Opportunity

If you’re in the mood for pitching a product or a business case, you need to press the right buttons. Customers – and Stakeholders – only buy for 3 reasons. 1. Fear 2. Pain 3. Opportunity Geoff Moore said ‘find something that absolutely terrifies them’ and he’s right – the easiest path to winning a […]

Try this 1 simple trick to improve your state of mind.

Jack Balousek states that life has 3 parts to it – at first you learn which sets you up to earn so that finally you can return (give back). Warren Buffet says if you’re not learning for at least 5 hours a week, you’re going backwards. He’s earning a pretty penny and is a known […]

Why your expertise may be holding you back

One of my coaching clients recently accepted a secondment – from GM of Marketing to GM of Engineering – quite a stretch, and well outside his comfort zone. It took us a couple of sessions before he agreed to do it. He likened his expertise to holding onto the side of the pool. He knows […]

5 ways to start building your resilience.

Last month I wrote an article about the importance of Confidence in Leadership – especially in today’s age of Durable Disruption – and the need to focus on our resilience, our adaptability and our working relationships. Studies show that leadership confidence is derived from an ecosystem of these three things: Knowing that you are resilient; […]

Derek Redmond

It’s not every day you get to chew the fat with a two-time Olympian, who’s also a rugby, kick boxing, motorcross and boxing champion. I was definitely a bit starstruck interviewing my childhood hero Derek Redmond. In this video, Derek shares his approach which is a great mantra for leadership and for life: – Put […]

Are you Leading ‘Through’ Change still?

The current thinking around Change Management focuses on understanding why the change is happening and how things will be better once we adopt it. There is still this concept of ‘getting through’ change. This works well for change that is finite – where the pain of the transition will be over, and you can go […]

Leadership starts with Confidence

It’s no secret that leadership has become more challenging. We’ve entered the age of Durable Disruption – an era of never-ending change – and we’re all feeling the impact on our resilience, our adaptability and our working relationships. Leaders are feeling increasingly overwhelmed, paralysed by ambiguity and struggling to adapt to new ways of working, […]

Are you Leading ‘Through’ Change still?

Are you Leading ‘Through’ Change still?

Are you Leading ‘Through’ Change still? The current thinking around Change Management focuses on understanding why the change is happening and how things will be better once we adopt it. There is still this concept of ‘getting through’ change. This works well for change that is finite – where the pain of the transition will […]