Tension and conflict is at the heart of teamwork

Tension and conflict is at the heart of teamwork

Tension and conflict isn’t the antithesis of teamwork. It’s the purpose of it. I firmly believe that a level of healthy tension is central for business problem solving, innovation and collaboration and critical to outperformance. I’m sure that’s why diverse groups of talent create such incredible outcomes. But the right kind of tension is all-important […]

Taking a fresh perspective on developing strategy

doing business differently

Look out Google, here we come! Fantastic to be able to inspire some competitive spirit in a recent workshop; and thanks for setting the bar so high, Google! As a facilitator, it is an absolute thrill to see organisations allow themselves to shed old models of strategy, leadership or talent mgt and try something new. […]

Unlock the Talent within

Uncover Talent From Within Your Own Organisation

Unlock the Talent within – solve 3 other problems at the same time. The gig economy has now entered the mainstream, with around 40% of workers engaged in a non-permanent capacity. The conversation about reskilling the workforce has been going on for over 5 years, yet no-one seems to be close to solving for it […]

Trends in human capital today.

Trends in human capital

9 trends to watch in human capital today. I was recently lucky enough to hear Chris Havrilla from Bersin by Deloitte discussing their 2019 Global Human Capital Trends report. In a nutshell, the key themes of the research are the Future of workforce: 1. Alternate workforces become mainstream – but organisations aren’t ready to manage […]

Asking about previous salary – ok or not ok?

Asking about previous salary – ok or not ok?

Employers often ask about current salary as part of their negotiations, and it strikes me as pretty much the only time where this happens in a business deal. We don’t typically ask a plumber or accountant what their last client paid, do we? Yet when we hire a plumber or accountant, pretty much the rest […]

Who Else Wants To Know The Mystery Behind BUSINESS CASES?

Who Else Wants To Know The Mystery Behind BUSINESS CASES? If you’re visiting the hashtag#ATC2019 this June 19th/20th, you KNOW you’re going to leave inspired. Well, make sure you can win the budget that goes along with that! Come and visit Workshop 1 on Day 2; by that point, you’ll have the inspiration, and I’ll […]

HR Policies do they reflect what is actually happening?

HR Policies do they reflect what is actually happening?

What’s the connection between HR, Heroes, and Zombies? A friend was telling me a story about his son. Their school was hosting a fund-raiser – ‘come as your favorite super-hero’ day. He wanted to dress up as his hero – a zombie. The boy asked the teacher if it was ok Teacher said no. Thing […]

A new breed of HR Director: 4 options from outside HR

New breed of HR Director options from outside HR

A new breed of HR Director options outside HR. Has anyone else noticed the increase in senior HR appointments coming from non-HR backgrounds? I for one am for it; I think fresh ideas are proving to have great impacts right across HR these days. Lucy Adams gives us a light-hearted look at the likely success […]

‘Working together’ in the market today

'Working together' in the market today.

Total Talent Management – is it in the too hard basket? A recent count up showed me about 12 different ways of ‘working together’ in the market today, (and I bet I’ve missed some): • subcontractor • contractor • sole trader • SOW worker • on payroll permanent • on payroll fixed term • on […]

To pool or not to pool?

Talent Pools - to pool or not too pool

Talent Pools – to pool or not too pool I’ve recently had two debates on the topic of talent pools. One was a company that fervently believed in talent pools and had over 25,000 people in their pool, yet were struggling to fill their roles fast enough. The other was a company that was fervently […]