Decisions, Decisions

This week I feel I’ve almost exclusively been coaching on career opportunities – some due to job seeking, some due to restructures, some coming completely from left field.


I often hear my C-Suite clients complain about a lack of accountability from their mid-level leaders. They are especially disappointed that they have communicated quite clearly that their B-Suite should feel more empowered.  When I ask them how many layers they have removed from their approval process or how many governance forums they have replaced themselves […]


It’s the 50th county I’ve spent time in and I was pondering on my way over how I was feeling about that. It’s been a few years since I travelled abroad thanks to covid so I was definitely feeling out of practice. So I could have chosen to feel anxious.  But 50 countries is quite […]

Boundaries Prevent Burnout

We’ve got busier.  Have you noticed? Is it financial year end? Is it return to office? What-ever is going on, it’s impacting people. So let’s talk about your boundaries – your thin red line. Are you struggling to set boundaries?  Are you saying yes to things you should say no to? Putting in long hours […]

I’m embarrassed to say I lost my mojo recently.

Confession Time: I ended last year just scraping through, I was tired, disconnected and a bit disillusioned – like 8 billion other people! Then I started this year too early, too unclear on my priorities and too empty on fuel. It made for a VERY slow start to 2022. Well, we’re not called SLOWHR, we’re called […]

Why is everyone behaving so weirdly?

This month I’ve been asked – a lot – for my thoughts on things like: Handling entitled employees Why HR are handling a spike in harassment and bullying complaints And how Executives can re-ignite accountability in their teams I know these are not new, but right now it’s quite a lot and it’s all at […]

3 deceptively easy ways to break your B-Suite leaders

2022 is going to be a big year. It has to be – transformational results are high on the shareholder agenda everywhere, and without your B-Suite, these goals will fail. Sadly, in the past week alone, I have had 5 of my high-performing B-Suite clients talk about resigning, putting some pretty major deliverables immediately at […]