Movers and quitters

Movers and quitters

One of the things that never fails to surprise and disappoint me is when I hear that it’s easier to find a job elsewhere than to get one internally.  Right now, the job market has roared past 2019 levels.  Candidate mobility is also peaking.  If you don’t have plans to give your restless Talent an […]

Welcome to the B-Suite

Welcome to the B-Suite

“Not all leaders want to become a C-Suite executive, but they should all be enabled to operate like one.” All leaders are too busy – and they are getting busier. All leaders yearn for more space to think but rarely get it. All leaders wish it were easier to get sh*t done, but instead, it’s […]

99% of problems are not worth solving

99% of problems are not worth solving

One of my coaching clients had a penchant for ‘turning over rocks’ and solving what-ever he found beneath.  It meant that he was incredibly busy, and lots of people were grateful to him for fixing up their issues, but he failed to drive a reputation as a great problem solver.  Instead he developed a lesser […]

There’s no such thing as a diplomatic hand grenade.

There’s no such thing as a diplomatic hand grenade.

Go ahead, avoid those difficult conversations.

Wait, what did you say? How can you avoid difficult conversations and still be productive? What rubbish!

But it’s what you want to do – admit it.

Difficult conversations are SO against our nature, that right now more than 50% of your workforce is avoiding having one, and 11% will even quit their job – yes actually quit – in order to avoid one.

We spend $$$ training our people to have difficult conversations. We should be teaching them to avoid conversations getting difficult in the first place.

How to fall in love with procrastinating

How to fall in love with procrastinating

This week I have been procrastinating. A lot. I have been doing it all week and I’m getting really very good at it. So why, this week, is procrastination no longer my friend?

When we get through this / when this is over

When we get through this when this is over

So Victoria went into lockdown 2.0 this week. And THIS time, I’ve decided to do lockdown better – after all, I’ve got a second chance. Last time, I hunkered down, got busy and passed the time until it was over – but I didn’t do anything particularly smart about my change in circumstance, so I’m […]

Ever wondered how some people seem to be immune to disruption?

Ever wondered how some people seem to be immune to disruption

In all the chaos that seems to be going on, have you spotted those few people that seem to glide from one surprise to another without showing any surprise – almost as they were ready for it? Are you one of those? Or are you more like me – a bit tired of being disrupted, […]

How to get your boss to help build your brand

How to get your boss to help build your brand

Not so long ago, I was lucky enough to have a fantastic boss who really elevated the reputation and profile of those working for her. This hadn’t happened to me before, but rather than decide that all my previous managers had been evil megalomaniacs, I did some self reflection. It turns out that I had […]