Are you Leading ‘Through’ Change still?

The current thinking around Change Management focuses on understanding why the change is happening and how things will be better once we adopt it. There is still this concept of ‘getting through’ change. This works well for change that is finite – where the pain of the transition will be over, and you can go […]

Leadership starts with Confidence

It’s no secret that leadership has become more challenging. We’ve entered the age of Durable Disruption – an era of never-ending change – and we’re all feeling the impact on our resilience, our adaptability and our working relationships. Leaders are feeling increasingly overwhelmed, paralysed by ambiguity and struggling to adapt to new ways of working, […]

Are you Leading ‘Through’ Change still?

Are you Leading ‘Through’ Change still?

Are you Leading ‘Through’ Change still? The current thinking around Change Management focuses on understanding why the change is happening and how things will be better once we adopt it. There is still this concept of ‘getting through’ change. This works well for change that is finite – where the pain of the transition will […]

Is the Position Description dead?

Is the Position Description dead?

Is the Position Description dead? We’ve all heard the argument about dropping the need for resumes over the years, but what about the use of Job Descriptions (JDs)? Recent research by HSG tell us the following: • 37% of organisations don’t have one for all roles • It takes 60% of us over an hour […]

Asking about previous salary – ok or not ok?

Asking about previous salary – ok or not ok?

Employers often ask about current salary as part of their negotiations, and it strikes me as pretty much the only time where this happens in a business deal. We don’t typically ask a plumber or accountant what their last client paid, do we? Yet when we hire a plumber or accountant, pretty much the rest […]

Who Else Wants To Know The Mystery Behind BUSINESS CASES?

Who Else Wants To Know The Mystery Behind BUSINESS CASES? If you’re visiting the hashtag#ATC2019 this June 19th/20th, you KNOW you’re going to leave inspired. Well, make sure you can win the budget that goes along with that! Come and visit Workshop 1 on Day 2; by that point, you’ll have the inspiration, and I’ll […]

HR Policies do they reflect what is actually happening?

HR Policies do they reflect what is actually happening?

What’s the connection between HR, Heroes, and Zombies? A friend was telling me a story about his son. Their school was hosting a fund-raiser – ‘come as your favorite super-hero’ day. He wanted to dress up as his hero – a zombie. The boy asked the teacher if it was ok Teacher said no. Thing […]

‘Working together’ in the market today

'Working together' in the market today.

Total Talent Management – is it in the too hard basket? A recent count up showed me about 12 different ways of ‘working together’ in the market today, (and I bet I’ve missed some): • subcontractor • contractor • sole trader • SOW worker • on payroll permanent • on payroll fixed term • on […]

Doing Business Differently

I recently had the privilege of facilitating a government department’s 10yr planning process. We let go of the traditional idea of a two-day exec offsite that gets translated into actions (aka instructions) for others and instead opted for a more democratised approach. We’ve engaged broadly in the development of this critical piece of work, included […]