What happens when you make this one little change to your comms

What happens when you make this one little change to your comms

Like all of us, I’m still stuck in Corona-mania. I recently discovered that to find out what was really going on in Wuhan, people had been turning to Tinder. It made me recall 9/11 when people were watching citizen reportage via Youtube and Facebook before watching the News. Then I listened to the HR priorities […]

3 surprisingly simple ways to improve your leadership today

3 surprisingly simple ways to improve your leadership today

I was recently talking to a client who was concerned about the long term effects of CV19 on her workforce, and was uncomfortable to talk about it with them. We have no idea how all this will pan out, but we do know one thing. Our people are responsible, professional adults and they can handle […]

How to trust your leadership instincts

How to trust your leadership instincts

In her book “Fixing Feedback”, Georgia Murch makes the brilliant statement: People hear your content, but smell your intent. When I ran People Change at Australia Post for a few years, one thing I noticed about leaders preparing for a hard conversation – whether it was performance or redundancy – was an obsession with following […]

3 ways to tackle feeling overwhelmed right now

3 ways to tackle feeling overwhelmed right now

Many of us are feeling uncertain, unfocused and unproductive at the moment. My resilience was tested last week too. Not by the ongoing changes to the rules, not by the rapidly-dwindling pipeline, not by homeschooling – but by my uncertainty about how best to be of value and service to those around me right now. […]

An uplifting example of leadership under pressure

An uplifting example of leadership under pressure

Leadership is tougher than ever right now, and making decisions can feel impossible – the rules are changing all time. Last week I witnessed a heated debate between two execs of a sports club – about whether they continue training or not. ‘Bob’ wanted to stay open until told otherwise by the peak body of […]

Is it too soon to be looking for a silver lining?

Is it too soon to be looking for a silver lining

I know these are stressful times. Like many of us, I’ve got aging parents and a lack of loo roll on my mind. But I’m starting to see some upside, and as we know, practicing gratitude is good for your optimism and resilience, so here we go! I’m grateful to COVID-19 for: Making some people […]

The surprising solutions for workforce disruption

The surprising solutions for workforce disruption

Change has changed, and so must we Even if we weren’t in the midst of the biggest disruption in a generation, research tells us that change has changed. Once the ‘critical’ change settles down, we’ll be facing inevitable organisational, social and economic change. I can’t advise on social and economic change, but I do know […]

How I made friends with the idea of working from home

How I made friends with the idea of working from home

It used to make me anxious. Would I lose focus? Get lonely? Eat the contents of the fridge? Do housework instead of paid work? As a leader, I sometimes had the same thoughts about my team when they were WFH too (sorry…). Fast forward a year and a half and here’s a few tips I’ve […]

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

How to handle disruption in the workplace

Spotting this Qantas livery when I was flying to Sydney a few weeks ago gave me quite a jolt! Were we really flying in a 60yo plane? Of course not – but she sure looked like one. Qantas, what a fun way to celebrate your rich history. Apparently she’s been doing the rounds across Australia […]

5 ways to stand out in #HRTech

5 ways to stand out in #HRTech

The HR Tech market continues to be ablaze; with People-related products emerging at an incredible pace. It’s like Tiffanys at Xmas – a dazzling array of bright, shiny, desirable things. You want them all. You can’t wear them all at once and you probably don’t actually need even one of them, but the allure is […]