Are you making this easy mistake?

Are you making this easy mistake

A colleague of mine just spent three days trying to secure time in her client’s diary. Three days and apparently more than 10 emails. Turns out he was making an easy mistake. He was being too nice. Have you ever done the endless back-and-forth of diary management and wished there was another way? You’re not […]

Are you leaving your reputation to chance?

Are you leaving your reputation to chance?

Before lockdown, I was having lunch with a client of mine who let me into a secret. He loathes self-promotion and wishes his work would speak for itself. However, he still prioritises reputation-raising. “I drag myself to do it despite my busy schedule” he told me. Why? Because it will say more about his team, […]

How to handle a bad boss

How to handle a bad boss

According to a global study by The Potential Project, 77% of leaders believe they’re doing a great job; and yet 65% of employees said they’d forgo a payrise to see their leader fired.  Yes actually fired. Have you recently had an interaction with your leader that was underwhelming, unimpressive or downright unacceptable?   Felt some solidarity […]

Surprisingly simple ways to build your presence on line

Surprisingly simple ways to build your presence on line

Working from home is actually a golden opportunity for developing your leadership reputation, despite what many people think. And it’s a pretty important time to be doing that. Even if you’re secure in your role, there’s a premium on a leader’s reputation, as it promotes your business and your team and …. yeah … these […]

Operational is no longer a dirty word

Operational is no longer a dirty word

What happens when operational is no longer a dirty word? The reason HR is being so successful right now is that we have made a significant shift. One of these key shifts is from prioritising strategic to prioritising operational. Operational used to be a dirty word BCV (before covid), but where would we have been […]

Leadership language is important all the time

According to HBR 4 of the top 10 most important leadership competencies are attributable to communication (formal and informal). This is why being mindful of your leadership language is important at all times – not just times like these. Have you ever read a leadership communication and thought it was dry, dull or downright dismal? […]