Pricing in a growth business

Pricing in a growth business

Pricing – the bane of every growth business. I recently sat in on the launch of this brilliant pricing course run by London’s leading behavioural economist Hannah Lewis, and I want to give it a shout out. It’s absolutely spot-on for small business owners (like me, and many of my growth clients in the Talent […]

5 things I’ve learned in my first year in business.

5 things I’ve learned in my first year in business.

5 things I’ve learned in my first year in business. It’s been one year since I took the plunge and started out on my own. Going solo was a social experiment, and failure is always an option with experiments. Happily, year one has proved a success, and thankfully it was not as tough as I […]



When I was heading up People Change a few years ago, one of the most frustrating things I experienced was the disconnect between HR and Finance people data. HR & FINANCE SHOULD BE BEST FRIENDS Nothing made me more nervous than getting the numbers wrong in a people change scenario. I’ve since realized that this […]

Taking a fresh perspective on developing strategy

doing business differently

Look out Google, here we come! Fantastic to be able to inspire some competitive spirit in a recent workshop; and thanks for setting the bar so high, Google! As a facilitator, it is an absolute thrill to see organisations allow themselves to shed old models of strategy, leadership or talent mgt and try something new. […]

Asking about previous salary – ok or not ok?

Asking about previous salary – ok or not ok?

Employers often ask about current salary as part of their negotiations, and it strikes me as pretty much the only time where this happens in a business deal. We don’t typically ask a plumber or accountant what their last client paid, do we? Yet when we hire a plumber or accountant, pretty much the rest […]

‘Working together’ in the market today

'Working together' in the market today.

Total Talent Management – is it in the too hard basket? A recent count up showed me about 12 different ways of ‘working together’ in the market today, (and I bet I’ve missed some): • subcontractor • contractor • sole trader • SOW worker • on payroll permanent • on payroll fixed term • on […]

Doing Business Differently

I recently had the privilege of facilitating a government department’s 10yr planning process. We let go of the traditional idea of a two-day exec offsite that gets translated into actions (aka instructions) for others and instead opted for a more democratised approach. We’ve engaged broadly in the development of this critical piece of work, included […]

How to lead in today’s VUCA world of work

How to lead in today’s VUCA world of work

How to lead in today’s VUCA world of work I recently read a great 6-part series by the Chief Executive Magazine on the subject of leading in Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous times. VUCA leadership used to be the domain of the armed forces, who worked out a long time ago that they needed to […]

Stronger partnerships with Recruitment and Marketing

Stronger partnerships recruitment and marketing 5 tips for building a stronger relationship between Recruitment and Marketing The need for great Recruitment marketing keeps climbing and a lot of my clients ask me about how to improve the relationship between Recruitment and Marketing so they can get the help they need to succeed. Here are 5 […]

The number one reason you should fix Onboarding – now According to Forbes, employee turnover is the highest it’s been in 10 years, and around 50% of that turnover occurs in the first year of employment. And the major culprit? Traditional approaches to Onboarding. Over the last decade, significant investment has been made into Recruitment & Talent Acquisition practices to streamline and automate that […]