What will move the dial on Talent in 2020?

What will move the dial on Talent in 2020?

What will move the dial on Talent in 2020? Mercer’s 2019 Talent Trends study shows that 97% of executives expect to see increased competition for talent over the next 12 months and 52% already see the length of time it takes to find and hire new talent as their biggest people-related challenge. As a result, […]

Collaboration – avoiding a no or getting a yes?

Collaboration – more about avoiding a no than getting a yes?

Collaboration – avoiding a no or getting a yes? Be more collaborative. We’ve heard it before. But how do you generate true collaboration? • A new structure? • A new #collaboration platform? • More streamlined processes? All of the above help, yet in many organisations that I work with, I observe workforces getting work done […]

Leadership – a crisis of confidence?

Leadership – a crisis of confidence?

Leadership – a crisis of confidence? One of my clients was tired last week. When I asked him why he said: “Work used to feel like intense sprints punctuated by rest periods. Now it feels like a marathon. At sprint pace. And by the way – I think they moved the finish line. In fact, […]

A new breed of HR Director: 4 options from outside HR

New breed of HR Director options from outside HR

A new breed of HR Director options outside HR. Has anyone else noticed the increase in senior HR appointments coming from non-HR backgrounds? I for one am for it; I think fresh ideas are proving to have great impacts right across HR these days. Lucy Adams gives us a light-hearted look at the likely success […]

Doing Business Differently

I recently had the privilege of facilitating a government department’s 10yr planning process. We let go of the traditional idea of a two-day exec offsite that gets translated into actions (aka instructions) for others and instead opted for a more democratised approach. We’ve engaged broadly in the development of this critical piece of work, included […]

3 Mistakes I Made Before Finding My Leadership Style

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tjfm8jC0_co&feature=youtu.be Leadership is not always easy. It took me a while to be a leader I could be proud of – and I made plenty of mistakes along the way! Here are some of my worst leadership moments; I’d love to hear yours.

Three things I’ve unlearned to Transform HR

https://youtu.be/VaCCyhGo3wA Three things I’ve unlearned to Transform HR. How come what worked ok only a few years ago is not working today? Albert Einstein said — ‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them’ ‌So what does that mean? ‌It means we have to learn to let go of some of […]

5 tips for Leading Transformation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfLr4zmbRxc&t=2s Did you know that most transformations fail? 1. Be clear on the difference between transformation and continuous improvement 2. Truly collaborate 3. Root cause v symptoms 4. Lead v manage 5. Leave a legacy: embed the change What’s missing from this list?