Taking a fresh perspective on developing strategy

doing business differently

Look out Google, here we come! Fantastic to be able to inspire some competitive spirit in a recent workshop; and thanks for setting the bar so high, Google! As a facilitator, it is an absolute thrill to see organisations allow themselves to shed old models of strategy, leadership or talent mgt and try something new. […]

Unlock the Talent within

Uncover Talent From Within Your Own Organisation

Unlock the Talent within – solve 3 other problems at the same time. The gig economy has now entered the mainstream, with around 40% of workers engaged in a non-permanent capacity. The conversation about reskilling the workforce has been going on for over 5 years, yet no-one seems to be close to solving for it […]

Trends in human capital today.

Trends in human capital

9 trends to watch in human capital today. I was recently lucky enough to hear Chris Havrilla from Bersin by Deloitte discussing their 2019 Global Human Capital Trends report. In a nutshell, the key themes of the research are the Future of workforce: 1. Alternate workforces become mainstream – but organisations aren’t ready to manage […]

Asking about previous salary – ok or not ok?

Asking about previous salary – ok or not ok?

Employers often ask about current salary as part of their negotiations, and it strikes me as pretty much the only time where this happens in a business deal. We don’t typically ask a plumber or accountant what their last client paid, do we? Yet when we hire a plumber or accountant, pretty much the rest […]

Who Else Wants To Know The Mystery Behind BUSINESS CASES?

Who Else Wants To Know The Mystery Behind BUSINESS CASES? If you’re visiting the hashtag#ATC2019 this June 19th/20th, you KNOW you’re going to leave inspired. Well, make sure you can win the budget that goes along with that! Come and visit Workshop 1 on Day 2; by that point, you’ll have the inspiration, and I’ll […]

HR Policies do they reflect what is actually happening?

HR Policies do they reflect what is actually happening?

What’s the connection between HR, Heroes, and Zombies? A friend was telling me a story about his son. Their school was hosting a fund-raiser – ‘come as your favorite super-hero’ day. He wanted to dress up as his hero – a zombie. The boy asked the teacher if it was ok Teacher said no. Thing […]

A new breed of HR Director: 4 options from outside HR

New breed of HR Director options from outside HR

A new breed of HR Director options outside HR. Has anyone else noticed the increase in senior HR appointments coming from non-HR backgrounds? I for one am for it; I think fresh ideas are proving to have great impacts right across HR these days. Lucy Adams gives us a light-hearted look at the likely success […]

‘Working together’ in the market today

'Working together' in the market today.

Total Talent Management – is it in the too hard basket? A recent count up showed me about 12 different ways of ‘working together’ in the market today, (and I bet I’ve missed some): • subcontractor • contractor • sole trader • SOW worker • on payroll permanent • on payroll fixed term • on […]

To pool or not to pool?

Talent Pools - to pool or not too pool

Talent Pools – to pool or not too pool I’ve recently had two debates on the topic of talent pools. One was a company that fervently believed in talent pools and had over 25,000 people in their pool, yet were struggling to fill their roles fast enough. The other was a company that was fervently […]