When we get through this / when this is over

So Victoria went into lockdown 2.0 this week. And THIS time, I’ve decided to do lockdown better – after all, I’ve got a second chance. Last time, I hunkered down, got busy and passed the time until it was over – but I didn’t do anything particularly smart about my change in circumstance, so I’m […]
Ever wondered how some people seem to be immune to disruption?

In all the chaos that seems to be going on, have you spotted those few people that seem to glide from one surprise to another without showing any surprise – almost as they were ready for it? Are you one of those? Or are you more like me – a bit tired of being disrupted, […]
How to get your boss to help build your brand

Not so long ago, I was lucky enough to have a fantastic boss who really elevated the reputation and profile of those working for her. This hadn’t happened to me before, but rather than decide that all my previous managers had been evil megalomaniacs, I did some self reflection. It turns out that I had […]
Building your reputation? 5 things you need to know

Mark Schaefer, who wrote the book “Known – the handbook for building & unleashing your personal brand in the digital age” says that there are five things that you need to know in order to build your reputation. it’s not about passion it is about purpose you don’t have to be an expert the right […]
Are you making this easy mistake?

A colleague of mine just spent three days trying to secure time in her client’s diary. Three days and apparently more than 10 emails. Turns out he was making an easy mistake. He was being too nice. Have you ever done the endless back-and-forth of diary management and wished there was another way? You’re not […]
You can afford to consider reskilling

One of the common objections that my clients face when influencing their executives is “we can’t afford a retraining budget”
Reskilling doesn’t take as long as you think

Reskilling has been on everyone’s minds for years as disruption has become an increasing obvious threat to business as usual. Yet it’s one that we haven’t managed to nail yet
How to handle a bad boss

According to a global study by The Potential Project, 77% of leaders believe they’re doing a great job; and yet 65% of employees said they’d forgo a payrise to see their leader fired. Yes actually fired. Have you recently had an interaction with your leader that was underwhelming, unimpressive or downright unacceptable? Felt some solidarity […]
Surprisingly simple ways to build your presence on line

Working from home is actually a golden opportunity for developing your leadership reputation, despite what many people think. And it’s a pretty important time to be doing that. Even if you’re secure in your role, there’s a premium on a leader’s reputation, as it promotes your business and your team and …. yeah … these […]
You don’t know your workforce capability

It’s like looking at an iceberg from the deck of the Titanic and assuming you can see all there is to see.