Australia Post Gender Diversity

Australia Post Gender Diversity How Australia Post used video to increase female participation in the logistics workplace.

Three things I’ve unlearned to Transform HR Three things I’ve unlearned to Transform HR. How come what worked ok only a few years ago is not working today? Albert Einstein said — ‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them’ ‌So what does that mean? ‌It means we have to learn to let go of some of […]

How to lead in today’s VUCA world of work

How to lead in today’s VUCA world of work

How to lead in today’s VUCA world of work I recently read a great 6-part series by the Chief Executive Magazine on the subject of leading in Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous times. VUCA leadership used to be the domain of the armed forces, who worked out a long time ago that they needed to […]

5 tips for Leading Transformation Did you know that most transformations fail? 1. Be clear on the difference between transformation and continuous improvement 2. Truly collaborate 3. Root cause v symptoms 4. Lead v manage 5. Leave a legacy: embed the change What’s missing from this list?

Recruitment has changed – 3 things to sustain success.

Recruitment has changed - 3 things to sustain success

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19.14″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] Recruitment has changed sustain success Recruitment has changed – 3 things to think about to sustain success. According to IBISWorld, the Australian recruitment industry is worth $24 Billion in temp and perm revenue, and it’s showing record growth right now. In 20 years, […]

3 things I learned as an early adopter of Talent Tech. Over the years I’ve become known as an early adopter of Talent tech – despite still missing my Ericsson flip phone at times – so here are three lessons I learned: We’re all suckers for bright shiny things You need to have a problem to solve, and the product needs to solve it. These […]

Stronger partnerships with Recruitment and Marketing

Stronger partnerships recruitment and marketing 5 tips for building a stronger relationship between Recruitment and Marketing The need for great Recruitment marketing keeps climbing and a lot of my clients ask me about how to improve the relationship between Recruitment and Marketing so they can get the help they need to succeed. Here are 5 […]

The number one reason you should fix Onboarding – now According to Forbes, employee turnover is the highest it’s been in 10 years, and around 50% of that turnover occurs in the first year of employment. And the major culprit? Traditional approaches to Onboarding. Over the last decade, significant investment has been made into Recruitment & Talent Acquisition practices to streamline and automate that […]

How to move the War for Talent from win/lose – to win/win/win.

Move the war for talent to Win-Win-Win

There are many reason employers are struggling to ‘win the War for Talent’, and the inability to offer a powerful career path, personal growth and diverse experiences are a frequent culprit for firms who: • can only offer limited options for career growth or exposure to new experiences (such as a small business or a […]

What I’ve learned in 100 days; jumping from major corporate to self-employment.

jumping from major corporate to self-employment

Today, I’m celebrating 100 days of working for myself – ironically on the same day that I would otherwise have been celebrating 7 years with Australia Post. So what am I up to? I’m obsessed with modernising traditional approaches to talent, especially now that the world of work has changed. What used to work doesn’t seem […]